General Information
Regulatory Commission for Energy of Republic of Srpska (Regulatory Commission) was founded on 13 September 2002 as Regulatory Commission for electricity of Republic of Srpska, in order to regulate monopolistic behavior and provide all participants on the electricity market in Republic of Srpska with transparent and non-discriminatory position, pursuant to the Law on electricity (Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska, number 8/08, 34/09 and 52/09).
On 19 July 2007, Law on amendments to the Law on electricity became effective (Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska, number 60/07), which, apart from competences, changed also the name of the Regulatory Commission for electricity of Republic of Srpska; it has been Regulatory Commission for Energy of Republic of Srpska since then (hereinafter: Regulatory Commission).
Following the registration of the Regulatory Commission for modification of its name and activities, the Court of General Jurisdiction in Trebinje made Decision, number 095-0-REG-07-000179 based on which the name was changed and activities of the Regulatory Commission were complemented in the court register, pursuant to the Law on amendments to the Law on electricity.
The Energy Law became effective on 19 June 2009 (Official Gazette of RS 49/09). This law contains provisions which are related to organization of the work and competences of the Regulatory Commission for Energy of Republic of Srpska.
Regulatory Commission is a specialized, independent and non-profitable organization in doing its activities. The task of the Regulatory Commission is to provide conditions for the market opening for free competition in those activities which are not inherently monopolistic and when it is about monopolistic activities to provide all parties with equal treatment, quality of service and fair price accompanied by the profitable running of business of the participants, while concurrently complying with generally accepted international standards.
Regulatory Commission regulates and monitors the relationships in the market of electricity, gas and oil, pursuant to provisions of this law and competences assigned to it by the law in the sector of electricity, gas and oil taking care on providing the principle of transparency, non-discrimination, fairness, stimulating competitiveness and protection of end users.
Doing its activities, Regulatory Commission cooperates with the State Regulatory Commission for Electricity (SERC), Regulatory Commission for electricity in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FERC), Independent System Operator (ISO) and Transmission Company of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it informs the National Assembly of Republic of Srpska about its work at least once a year.
Transparency of work
All pieces of information, other than those considered confidential (as defined by the Rule on confidential information), are timely put on disposal to the public. Also, all sessions of the Regulatory Commission are public, except in a limited number of cases when it is about confidential information, trade secrets or internal issues. Decisions of the Regulatory Commission are published in the Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska, while the overview of public documents is provided by the Regulatory Commission in a reasonable period and in the place of its own choice.